Denman Island Housing Groups Join Forces to Meet Community’s Affordable Housing Needs

Dec 16, 2022 The two non-profit housing organizations on Denman Island have agreed to work together to most effectively meet the community’s affordable housing needs. The Denman Housing Association (DHA) and the Denman Community Land Trust Association (DCLTA) have signed a memorandum of understanding pledging to work cooperatively. “The outcome may eventually be a single… Continue reading Denman Island Housing Groups Join Forces to Meet Community’s Affordable Housing Needs

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The Challenges of Developing Affordable Housing

Jan 17, 2023 By Stephanie Slater, Co-Chair, Denman Community Land Trust Association I’ve been known to say that developing affordable housing is not an undertaking for the faint of heart. In fact, it’s a pursuit that requires, patience, persistence, and a passion for the cause. It shouldn’t be this difficult, however. Here are some observations… Continue reading The Challenges of Developing Affordable Housing

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